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English fans $50.00 -- 0 1241
Chinese (Simplified) fans $50.00 -- 0 1480
Chinese (Simplified) big china $50.00 -- 0 1360
Chinese (Traditional) big china $50.00 -- 0 1228
Chinese (Simplified) hotel $50.00 -- 0 1495
Korean kimchi $50.00 -- 0 1540
Chinese (Traditional) medicine $50.00 -- 0 1198
Chinese (Simplified) mobile $500.00 -- 0 2398
Hebrew nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1470
Japanese nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1314
Korean nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1250
Chinese (Simplified) nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1286
Chinese (Traditional) nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1271
Hindi nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1406
Persian nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1353
Thai nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1262
Ukrainian nano $10,000.00 -- 0 1258
Chinese (Simplified) bag $100.00 -- 0 1399
Chinese (Simplified) paper $50.00 -- 0 1555
Chinese (Traditional) paper $50.00 -- 0 1330
Chinese (Traditional) petrochemical $50.00 -- 0 1237
Chinese (Traditional) redwine $100.00 -- 0 2332
Chinese (Simplified) resort $500.00 -- 0 1384
Filipino resort $500.00 -- 0 1231
Thai resort $100.00 -- 0 1450
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